23/03/23, 12:34

How is the nationwide project "Green Space" being carried out?

It is known that the land of the forest fund has reached 12 million hectares. 85.5 percent (10 million hectares) of the land area of the forest fund is desert, 13.2 percent (1.6 million hectares) is mountain, 0.3 percent (36 thousand hectares) is valley, and 1 percent (455.7 thousand hectares) is forest. regions. 7,000 hectares of unused land of the Forest Fund were developed and put into circulation, 2,300 hectares of unused land were leased to individuals and legal entities for a long period of time. In 2022, a total of 208,000 hectares of dry bottom of the Aral Sea and Aral coastal regions, of which 107,000 hectares in the Moynak district of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, 40,000 hectares in the Bukhara region, 50,000 hectares in the Navoi region, and 11,000 hectares in the Khorezm region, will be covered with desert vegetation. .

In addition, 2.5 thousand hectares of surrounding tree groves were established on the edges of irrigated agricultural lands. 1,000 tons of tree and shrub seeds were prepared for afforestation, establishment of nurseries and nurseries, and greening activities. In 2022, a total of 113 million seedlings and saplings of ornamental and fruit trees and shrubs suitable for soil and climate conditions were grown. Within the framework of the nationwide project "Green Space" and during the "Dolzarb 40 days", all efforts and opportunities were fully mobilized for planting seedlings. A total of 76.4 million units in the republic's territories, in particular 5.3 million units in the Republic of Karakalpakstan. units, 5.9 million units in Andijan, 6.0 million units in Bukhara, 6.0 million units in Jizzakh, 6.3 million units in Kashkadarya, 5.3 million units in Navoi. units, 5.9 million units in Namangan, 6.2 million units in Samarkand, 6.0 million units in Surkhandarya, 5.3 million units in Syrdarya. trees, 6.3 million trees in Tashkent, 5.7 million trees in Fergana, 5.7 million trees in Khorezm, and 0.4 million trees in Tashkent) ornamental, fruit and other types of seedlings were planted. The schedule for the delivery of saplings in the fall planting season was approved by forestry enterprises, and 13.4 mln. in the fall season of 2022. bush (104.5 percent compared to the task) seedlings were delivered. In addition, practical work on the establishment of "green parks" and "green public parks" was carried out in cooperation with "Yashil hudud" DUK and its regional enterprises and local governments. As a result, "green parks" were established on 588.4 hectares (101% of the plan) and "green public parks" on 662.3 hectares (61% of the plan). Plantations of medicinal and nutritious plants were established on an area of 5.4 thousand hectares, and 8.3 thousand tn. raw materials of medicinal and nutritious plants were prepared. In order to ensure food security, 28,000 tons of agricultural products were grown and greenhouses (lemonariums) were established on 30 hectares. This year, in order to improve the ecological situation in the republic, 235,000 hectares of forests, including 200,000 hectares of dry bottom of the Aral Sea and the Aral Bay region, will be built with "green covers".

It is planned to plant 125 million saplings and cuttings in the territory of the republic in the spring season of 2023 as part of the nationwide project "Green Space". 1.1 thousand tons of seeds will be prepared by taking measures to further increase the indicators of growing ornamental, fruit tree and shrub seedlings in forestry farms. Cultivation of seedlings and saplings of trees and shrubs suitable for climatic conditions will reach a total of 120 million pieces. 2500 hectares of irrigated agricultural land will be surrounded by trees to increase productivity and to protect against wind and water erosion. Medicinal plant plantations will be established on an area of 5.2 hectares, and the production of their raw materials will reach 9,000 tons. By 2030, the area of forests and shrubs will reach 6.1 million hectares (15%). By 2030, 28,700 hectares of tree plantations will be established against wind erosion and sand flooding. The level of greening in the republic will be increased from the current 8% to 30% by 2030.